Parenting & Partnering Divisions


    We Educate YOU utilizing the Cultivating SEEDS System Framework®️ (CSS®️) so you can relate effectively and navigate successfully.


    We Equip YOU with the culturally-responsive social-emotional skills that you need to build healthy relationships at home, school, work, play, and in the community.


    We Empower YOU to become a Conscious Problem-Solver and Your own Life Coach.

ISEE & You

The overall purpose of ISEE is to make a seismic shift in the paradigms and practices of relational capacity building. We are shifting the paradigm from the fruit level to the root level. We are shifting the paradigm from “ What’s your problem?” to “To tell me your story.” We are shifting the paradigm of conceptualizing human experience from individualistic to collectivistic. We are shifting the practice of the professional being the expert of your story to you being the expert and teller of your story. We are shifting the practice of relationship building from a focus on deficits, deviance and disorder to a focus on culture, context, and community. We are shifting the practice from exclusivity to inclusiveness, where knowledge about effective relationship building is easily accessible, understandable and relatable. We are shifting the practice of focusing only on current concerns to including historical concerns, because “Every piece matters.” These tenets undergird all the courses that are offered through ISEE.